I haven’t been much interested in Guild Wars 2 since they have a nasty habit of taking content away but it sounds like the latest update may be doing something about that. Seems there is a way to experience past living story content. I don’t have all of the details but from what I’ve read around the internet, there’s going to be something called the living journal. It will allow you to play past story content as well as do new challenges related to it for elite items. The Gates of Maguuma is supposed to start today. I’m hoping it rekindles my interest in a game that I had a lot of fun in. Still wish they would’ve gone the route of expansions like their first game but I’ll settle on this living journal if it works the way it’s been explained.
Tag Archives: GW2
GW2: Fractals, part Duex!
Starting November 26th, we will have access to the Thaumanova Reactor fractal on top of several other new fractals. Bare in mind that the fractals of the mist are random so you aren’t guaranteed to see all the new stuff in one go. Also, there was a loot update for fractals so get grinding!
GW2: Tower of Nightmares
Looks like more content before the end of this month. The Tower of Nightmares starts on October 29th in Kessex Hills. Looks like another goody for your home instance as well as some kind of cleansing skill that can be used by all classes. Follow the link for more info!
GW2: Twilight Assault, starts Oct. 1st
Yet another content update. This time it’s for Twlight Arbor. They are introducing a level 80 wing which most likely will only stick around for a few weeks. If you can keep up with these limited time releases, this one looks like its going to be fun. More info can be found on their blog!
GW2: Tequatl Rising!
That’s right! They’ve revamped the big nasty tequila named dragon and the event is now live. Dive in! Make sure to knock out the achievements so you can get a set of undead dragon wings as a back piece skin!
Guild Wars 2: Last Stand at Southsun
So far, the living story has kept our attention when we aren’t just goofing off in game or some other game. We’ve enjoyed the content so far with it not being too difficult. We saw the dungeon in the Flame & Frost living story so we know what kind of fight might be in store for us in the Southsun content. Over on the official site for GW2, it’s confirmed we will see the next part of the living story probably starting on May 28th. I’ll be geared up and good to go for the final few achievements. If you still need your back items, hit me up and I’ll help you out on getting those through the achievements. It doesn’t take long at all!
Halloween Events In Guild Wars 2 a Go!
Well, looks like Guild Wars 2 has rolled out with its Halloween content patch as of last night and by the sounds of it, there’s plenty to do between October 22nd and October 28th. They have a neat Halloween page with a time line of information so stay tuned to their site each day for any new information as the in game content unfolds!
I’m currently sitting at work but I’m sure I’ll be petitioning some of our members to tag along with me later tonight and through out the week as we adventure along to get some of the items that may come from the events. Make sure to open those black lion trading company chests during the event for some chances at special Halloween skins for weapons and shoulder armor. I don’t know about you but having a chainsaw/sword of some kind just sounds awesome!

Remember, if you can’t afford to pay real world money to get gems, you can convert in game gold to gems through the Trading Post. I did notice the exchange rate for gold to gems went up and I’m sure that is due to this event. We have a few days to experience the content though so I’m sure we will get to see everything before it goes away until next year! Assuming the items don’t bind when you pick them up, I will try to hook up some guildies with any duplicate skins and what not I get.
Guild Wars 2 Countdown, early access tonight
It’s that time again! For those ‘Goons that preordered Guild Wars 2 there is a countdown currently on their site that will let you know when the access begins. We will be doing a quick get together around 6pm MST in the guild teamspeak server so make sure to hop in with us so we can get squared away on our game plan(what we will play most likely). I look forward to seeing you all later tonight!