Pending a proper review, I thought I’d drop a line that Minecraft has left its beta days behind it and has gone 1.0! If you are interested in participating in our Minecraft server, it has been updated to the release version and is ready for building! Please join our forums to participate in our servers minecrafty goodness!
SWTOR Beta emails going out!
For those of us that have signed up to be in the SWTOR beta before November 11th, we will most likely be receiving a weekend beta email in the coming days/weeks. Be advised, if the email says ‘upcoming’ beta, that means its not for the weekend coming up but they will alert you when you can download the beta client and participate directly in one of the weekend events. For those that forgot to sign up for the beta before the 11th, if you follow the link in this article, it will list off what other sites you might be able to get a key at.
SWTOR Guild Phase 3: Deployment
It looks like the guild creation phase for SWTOR has reached phase 3: Deployment. We had originally planned to have a Republic guild and an Empire guild built and ready to go before release but it looks like we will be falling back on the Republic guild for now due to some new guild creation rules they just stated today. For more information, please check out my post in the forums for the full story and information.
Welcome to the New Site Design!
Welcome to our new site design! It’s been a long wait I realize but the design we settled on is just what we were looking for. There aren’t many posts save for some of the tests and what not I initiated but I hope to see some members step up and post gaming news and in game events we can participate in. I have a post over in the forums about that so if you are interested in contributing to the site, please let me know. I hope everyone enjoys the new site!
Testing review posts
I’m testing review posts to see what they appear like and what kind of image we will need to add to the post so we recognize the game in the “What Games we are playing” part of the right menu.
Welcome to the Black Raven Dragoons New Site Design!
Welcome! We are currently constructing a new site design/theme using wordpress so if you somehow stumbled upon this and thought to yourself, “what the heck is this?” that’s the reason why! Our ‘old’ site design needs to be revamped so we figured wordpress would add that new car smell to an old website. Stay tuned for the new look to go live in a few days to weeks.